SOLD!! Tisha’s New baby boy JAX! Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie *** RAREST OF RARE SABLE COLOR*** Male Born 8-26-2023 Click Here For More Info on Her
I do NOT sale my babies for breeding. Please do not ask. Mango is a BEAUTIFUL little RAREST COLORED Yorkie boy. He is SABLE a RARE color that is almost never for sale. Because they are so rare, breeders usually keep any they have born in a litter. I am offering the 2 that I have in my litter to some lucky family or families!! I have 1 female and 1 male available. These babies are FIRST COME with your $500 Deposit. NO HOLDS without a deposit. This little boy of course is still in my incubator. So pictures are kind of squirmy and the blue tint is from my blue incubator lights on them. This little man is an amazing example of the most Unique color you can imagine in a Yorkie. He is PERFECT in everyway!! He will be ready to join his LUCKY family anytime after October 21st 2023 . He will go to his new home up to date on vaccinations, health checks and of course pre-spoiled. Call to reserve him today. Don't Miss out on This opportunity to own the RAREST of RARE colored Yorkie!! ***EACH F OUR BABIES COME WITH A 10 YEAR HEALTH WARRANTY ****WE OFFER EASY FINANCING***